Max the Rottweiler


Rottweiler4k is a game I wrote for Java 4k competition. As you may have guessed it is very small game packed to only 4092 bytes. To play right away press webstart / JAR / newest JAR.
2015 Edit: Please note that webstart doesn't work anymore.


It is eat'em up game, with parallax scrolling. You are "Max" - big black rottweiller. Your mission is to eat 40 thieves trespassing your master's orchard. Use LEFT, RIGHT and UP arrows to move and jump. Press SPACE to clench jaws. When near the body press DOWN and SPACE to eat and heal. Remember to avoid deadly kicks.


Since it was my first entry for Java4k I had to look for clues elswhere. My code was heavily influenced by Miners 4k. However I had some personal achievements. First is parallax scrolling a'la amiga's classic 'Shadow of The Beast'. Second one is the thieves animation. Those guys walk just like Another World's hero, and all their moves are hardcoded!

The final JAR was processed with ProGuard 3.7 and repacked with BJWFlate. Both are great tools. Here is the make.bat i used to build project:
del R.class
del R.jar 
javac -g:none
jar cvfM R.jar R.class
java -jar ..\java\proguard3.7\lib\proguard.jar
unzip -o RR.jar
del R.jar
BJWFlate.exe -y -n -s2048 R.jar R.class
-injars		R.jar
-outjars	RR.jar
-libraryjars	"C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.5.0_10/jre/lib/rt.jar"

-keep public class R {
    public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
And here is the main class file
/** Rottweiler 4k, by rostok(AT)

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.util.Random;

import javax.swing.*;

public class R extends JFrame
    private static boolean[] keys = new boolean[65536];
//    private static int mouseButton;
//    private static int xMouse, yMouse;

     * This seems to be the smallest way of reading input events to the JFrame.
    public void processEvent(AWTEvent e)
        switch (e.getID())
            case WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING:
//            case MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED:
//                mouseButton = 0;
//                break;
//            case MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED:
//                mouseButton = ((MouseEvent)e).getButton();
//            case MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED:
//            case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED:
//                xMouse = ((MouseEvent)e).getX();
//                yMouse = ((MouseEvent)e).getY();
            case KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED:
            case KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED:
                keys[((KeyEvent)e).getKeyCode()] = e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED;
                //System.out.println (((KeyEvent)e).getKeyCode());

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable
        int screenW = 640;
        int screenH = 448;

		// var game vars 
		int maxJump = 150;
		int horizon= 390;

        // Create the window
        R a = new R();
        a.setSize(screenW, screenH);
        a.enableEvents(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED | MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED | MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED | MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED | MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED);

        // Set up the graphics objects we'll need
        Graphics grScreen = a.getGraphics();
        BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(screenW, screenH, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
        //int[] pixels = ((DataBufferInt)img.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
        // backbuffer
        BufferedImage imgBack = new BufferedImage(screenW, screenH, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
        Graphics2D grBack = imgBack.createGraphics();
        //grBack.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 255));
        grBack.setRenderingHint ( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON );

		// background
        BufferedImage imgBgd = new BufferedImage(screenW, screenH, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
        int[] pixelsBgd = ((DataBufferInt)imgBgd.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
        Graphics2D grBgd = imgBgd.createGraphics();
		// trees
        BufferedImage imgTrees = new BufferedImage(2048, horizon, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
        int[] pixelsTrees = ((DataBufferInt)imgTrees.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
        Graphics2D grTrees = imgTrees.createGraphics();
        grTrees.setRenderingHint ( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON );

        Random random = new Random();

		// input
		float dx = 0;
		float dy = 0;

		// temp
		int i, j, k = 0, l = 0;
		float d=0, aa, ta;

		// ziemia
		for (j=0; j<screenH; j++)
		    if (j<horizon)
    			for (i=0; i<screenW; i++)
    				pixelsBgd[i+j*screenW] = 
    											( 81+ (255- 81) * j/horizon* j/horizon* j/horizon)<<16 | 
    		    								(156+ (255-156) * j/horizon* j/horizon* j/horizon)<<8 | 

    			for (i=0; i<screenW; i++)
    			    k = (j-horizon) * (random.nextInt(128)+128)>>8;
       				pixelsBgd[i+j*screenW] = 0x100010 | (random.nextInt(36)+100-100 * k/(screenH-horizon))<<8 ;

		int x0=l;
		int y0=l+32;
		// pien
		for (j=y0+l>>1;j<horizon;j++)
		for (i=x0-16;i<x0+16;i++)
//            if (i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i < 2048 && j < horizon)
				pixelsTrees[i+j*2048] = 0xff004000 | (random.nextInt(64)+64)<<16;
		// liscie
//     	grTrees.setPaint( new Color(0xff208020) );
// 		grTrees.fill( new Ellipse2D.Float(   x0-l, y0-l, l<<1, l<<1 ) ); 

		grTrees.setStroke( new BasicStroke(8, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND) );
        for (k=0; k<2000; k++)
			i = random.nextInt(l*2)-l;
			j = random.nextInt(l*2)-l;
		    if (i*i+j*j < (int)(l*l*0.9))
				grTrees.setPaint( new Color(0xff200020 | (random.nextInt(64)+64)<<8 ) );
				d = random.nextInt(1024)*0.012272f;
				grTrees.drawLine(i,j,i+(int)(Math.sin(d)*d),j+(int)(Math.cos(d)*d)); // lisc
     			if (k>1950)
     			grTrees.setPaint( new Color(0xff30ff30) );
 				grTrees.fill( new Ellipse2D.Float(   i+1, j-3, 6, 6 ) ); 
 				grTrees.fill( new Ellipse2D.Float(   i-1, j, 10, 10 ) ); 
     			grTrees.setPaint( new Color(0xff30aa30) );
 				grTrees.fill( new Ellipse2D.Float(   i+2, j-3, 6, 6 ) ); 
 				grTrees.fill( new Ellipse2D.Float(   i, j, 10, 10 ) ); 

		// kopiuj dalej
		for (i=0; i<16; i++)
		    k += random.nextInt(l)+l/2;

        while (!keys[27])
			int globalX = 0;
			boolean gameStarted=true;
            int frame = 0;

    		// dog
   			int dogHealth=100;
    		int dogx=-200;
    		int dogy=horizon+5;
    		int dogDir=1;
    		int dogState = 0;
    		int dogJaws = 0;
    		float dogSpeedX= 0;
    		float dogSpeedY= 0;
    		int dogBite = 20;
    		int kills = 0;

    		// blood drops
    		float blood[][] = new float[2048][7];
    		// blood[][0] - x
    		// blood[][1] - y
    		// blood[][2] - old x
    		// blood[][3] - old y
    		// blood[][4] - speed x
    		// blood[][5] - speed y
    		// blood[][6] - state

    		// thiefs
    		int thiefKick = 10;
    		int thief[][] = new int[40][7];
    		// thief[][0] - x
    		// thief[][1] - y
    		// thief[][2] - health
    		// thief[][3] - state
    		// thief[][4] - attackstate
    		// thief[][5] - dir
    		// thief[][5] - rozkrok/speed

           	// thief setup
           	for (i=0; i<40; i++)
           		k = thief[i][0] = k + random.nextInt(256)+128;
           		thief[i][1] = horizon+5;
           		thief[i][2] = 100;
           		thief[i][3] = 0;
           		thief[i][4] = 0;
    //     		thief[i][3] = (i==0 ? 0 : -1);
           		thief[i][5] = -1;
    //       		thief[i][6] = random.nextInt(40)+75;

//          mouseButton = 0;
			// main loop 
            while (gameStarted && !keys[27])
				long fsTime=System.nanoTime();

                if (dogHealth>0)
                	// input
                	dx = 0;
                	dy = 0;
                	if (keys[37]) dx -= 10;
                	if (keys[39]) dx += 10;
                	if (keys[38]) dy -= 10;
                	if (keys[40]) dy += 10;

                	// dog logic
                    case 0: // stop                     
                    		if (dx!=0) dogState=1; // run
                    		if (dy>0 && dogHealth<100) dogState=5;  // eat

                    case 1: // run
                    		if (dy>0) dogState=5; // eat
                    		if (dy<0) dogState=2; // run
                    		if (dy<0 && Math.abs(dogSpeedX)>0) 
                    			// jump start
                    			dogSpeedY = -15;
                    		if (dy==0 && Math.abs(dogSpeedX)<1) dogState=0;

                    case 2: // jump
    						if (dogy<horizon-maxJump || dy>=0 || dogSpeedY>0) 
    							dogState=3;  // fall

                    case 3: // fall
                    		dy = 0;
                    		if (dogy>=horizon+5)
                    		    // on ground
                    		    dogSpeedY = 0;
                    			if (dx!=0) dogState=1; // run
                    			else	   dogState=0; // stop

    //                case 4: // hit
    //                		break;

                    case 5: // eat
                    		if (dx!=0) dogState=1; // run
                    		if (dogHealth==100) dogState=0; // stop

    //                case 6: // dead
    //                		break;
        			if (keys[32]) dogJaws = Math.min(100,   dogJaws+20);
        			else 		  dogJaws = Math.max(0,     dogJaws-22);

    				dogSpeedX = Math.min(dogSpeedX + dx, 10)*0.9f;
    				dogSpeedX = Math.max(dogSpeedX     ,-10);

                	if (dogSpeedX<0) dogDir = -1;
                	if (dogSpeedX>0) dogDir =  1;

                	dogx = Math.max(80, 		dogx+(int)dogSpeedX);
                	dogy = Math.min(horizon+5, 	dogy+(int)dogSpeedY);

                	if (dogx-globalX<80) 		{ globalX = -dogx+80; 	}
                	if (dogx-globalX>320)   	{ globalX = -dogx+320; 	}

            	// thief logic
            	for (i=0; i<40; i++)
            		switch (thief[i][3])
            		case 0: // pursuit
            		        k = (dogHealth<=0) ? 1 : dogx - thief[i][0];
//            		        k = dogx - thief[i][0];
           		        	if (k<0) thief[i][5] =  1;
           		        	if (k>0) thief[i][5] = -1;
            		        if ( Math.abs(k) < screenW )
            		        	//if (k!=0) 
            		        	thief[i][0] -= (random.nextInt(2)+1)*thief[i][5];//k/Math.abs(k);
//            		        	if (k!=0) thief[i][0] += (random.nextInt(2)+1)*k/Math.abs(k);
//            		        	if (k!=0) thief[i][0] += (thief[i][6]*k/100)/Math.abs(k);
                    		// is dog close
                    		if (Math.abs(dogx-thief[i][0])<50)
								thief[i][3] = 1; // switch to attack

            		case 1: // attack
                    		if (Math.abs(dogx-thief[i][0])<50 && dogy>=horizon-maxJump>>1 && dogState!=6)
								if (thief[i][4]>90) // front kick
									dogHealth -= thiefKick;
									dogx -= 3*thief[i][5];
									if (dogHealth<=0) 
										dogState = 6;
										dogy = horizon;

									if (thief[i][4]>100)
										thief[i][3] = 2; // swing back
								thief[i][4] += 20;
								thief[i][3] = 2; // swing back
            		case 2: // swing back
							thief[i][4] -= 21;
							if (thief[i][4]<=0)
							    thief[i][4]=0; // stop anim
								thief[i][3]=0; // pursuit
					case 6: // dead
//                    		if (Math.abs(thief[i][0]+40-dogx)<80)
//                    		if (dogState==5)
//                    		if (dogJaws>85)
//                    		if (thief[i][2]>-100)
                    		if (Math.abs(thief[i][0]+40-dogx)<80 && dogState==5 && dogJaws>85 && thief[i][2]>-100)
//                    			System.out.println ("eat");
							    dogHealth = Math.min(dogHealth+dogBite/2+1, 100);
								thief[i][2] -= dogBite;
								if (thief[i][2]<=-100)
									// eaten
									thief[i][3] = -1;

        						// create blood drops
        						l = random.nextInt(32)+16;
        					    k = 0;
        					    j = 0;
        					    while (j<l && k<2048)
        					    	if (blood[k][6]==0.0f)
        					    		blood[k][0] = dogx;
        					    		blood[k][1] = dogy-10;
        					    		blood[k][2] = dogx;
        					    		blood[k][3] = dogy-10;
        					    		blood[k][4] = (random.nextInt(500)-250)*0.01f;
        					    		blood[k][5] = -random.nextInt(500)*0.01f;
        					    		blood[k][6] = 1.0f;
                    					//System.out.println ("blood drop"+j);
/*  */


					// normal bite					
					if (thief[i][3] != 6)
					if (thief[i][3] != -1)
               		if (Math.abs(thief[i][0]-dogx)<30)
					if (keys[32] && dogJaws>50 && dogJaws<90) // closed
						thief[i][2] -= dogBite; // reduce thief health
						if (dogy < horizon)
							thief[i][2] -= dogBite; // reduce thief health

						// create blood drops
						l = random.nextInt(32)+16;
					    k = 0;
					    j = 0;
					    while (j<l && k<2048)
					    	if (blood[k][6]==0.0f)
					    		blood[k][0] = dogx;
					    		blood[k][1] = dogy-75;
					    		blood[k][2] = dogx;
					    		blood[k][3] = dogy-75;
					    		blood[k][4] = dogSpeedX+(random.nextInt(1000)-500)*0.01f;
					    		blood[k][5] = dogSpeedY-random.nextInt(500)*0.01f;
					    		blood[k][6] = 1.0f;
            					//System.out.println ("blood drop"+j);

						if (thief[i][2]<=0)
							thief[i][4] = 0; // sotp anim
							thief[i][3] = 6; // dead
							thief[i][2] = 0;

            	// blood logic
            	for (i=0; i<2048; i++)
                	if (blood[i][6]==1.0f)
                		if (blood[i][1]>=horizon) blood[i][6] = 0.0f;
                		blood[i][2] = blood[i][0];
                		blood[i][3] = blood[i][1];
                		blood[i][0]+= blood[i][4];
                		blood[i][1]+= blood[i][5];

                /// render screen ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                // background
                grBack.drawImage(imgBgd, 0, 0, null);
//                grBack.drawImage(imgBgd, globalX % screenW, 0, null);
//                grBack.drawImage(imgBgd, globalX % screenW+screenW, 0, null);
                for (i=0; i<5; i++)
                    j = (globalX*(i+1)>>2) % screenW;
                	grBack.drawImage(imgBgd, j,     	k, j+screenW,         l, 0,k, screenW, l, null);
                	grBack.drawImage(imgBgd, j+screenW, k, j+screenW+screenW, l, 0,k, screenW, l, null);
                	int oh2=l;

                // trees
//              	grBack.drawImage(imgTrees, (globalX>>2) % 512,       horizon*3/4, 512, horizon>>2, null);
//              	grBack.drawImage(imgTrees, (globalX>>2) % 512+512,   horizon*3/4, 512, horizon>>2, null);
              	grBack.drawImage(imgTrees, (globalX>>1) % 1024,      horizon>>1, 1024, 1+horizon>>1, null);
              	grBack.drawImage(imgTrees, (globalX>>1) % 1024+1024, horizon>>1, 1024, 1+horizon>>1, null);
                grBack.drawImage(imgTrees, globalX % 2048, 	    3, null);
                grBack.drawImage(imgTrees, globalX % 2048+2048, 3, null);

                // thieves
                for (i=0; i<40; i++)
                	if (thief[i][3]==-1) continue;
                	ta = -thief[i][4]*0.007854f;//0.01f*3.141592653589793f*0.25f;

            		int lx, ly, mx, my;
            		int llx, lly, mmx, mmy;
            		if (Math.abs(ta)>0.01f || thief[i][3]==6)
            		{   // kick
            			llx =  -3+(int)(Math.sin(ta)*60);
            			lly = -63+(int)(Math.cos(ta)*60);
            			mx = mmx = -0;
            			my = -33;
            			mmy = -3;
            			lx = (-3+llx)>>1;
            			ly = (-63+lly)>>1;

                		k = (int)(Math.sin(ta/2.0f)*33);
                		l = -90+(int)(Math.cos(ta/2.0f)*33); 
                		d = 0;
            		{	// walk
   						d = (float)Math.cos(ta)/2.0f*0.9f; // rozkrok
//   						d = (float)Math.cos(ta)/2.0f*(thief[i][6]*0.01f); // rozkrok
       					lx = - 3+(int)(Math.sin(d)*30);
       					ly = -63+(int)(Math.cos(d)*30);
       					mx = -lx;
       					my = ly;

       					aa = (float)(Math.sin(ta+Math.PI)*Math.PI/5.0f+0.2f);
       					if (aa<0) aa=-aa/2;//
       					ta = (float)(Math.sin(ta        )*Math.PI/5.0f+0.2f);
       					if (ta<0) ta=-ta/2;//
            			llx = lx+(int)(Math.sin(d+ta)*30);
            			lly = ly+(int)(Math.cos(d+ta)*30);
            			mmx = mx+(int)(Math.sin(-d+aa)*30);
            			mmy = my+(int)(Math.cos(-d+aa)*30);

                		l=-90+(int)(Math.cos(d*1.2)*33); // reka
					d = -Math.max(mmy, lly)-5;
//		            if (frame<50 && i==1)
//		            	System.out.println ((ta/Math.PI*180)+"\t"+(lx)+"\t"+(ly)+"\t"+(llx)+"\t"+(lly)+"");
//		            if (i==1)
//		            	System.out.println ((mmy+d)+" "+(lly+d));
        			grBack.translate( globalX+thief[i][0], thief[i][1]+d );

        			grBack.scale( thief[i][5], 1 );
               		// dead
                	if (thief[i][3]==6) grBack.rotate(Math.PI/2.0f,-5,-15);

                	grBack.setPaint( new Color(0x8e6f6f) );
            		grBack.setStroke( new BasicStroke(7) );
            		grBack.drawLine( 0,-94, -3,-101); // kark
                	grBack.setPaint( Color.BLACK );
            		grBack.setStroke( new BasicStroke(15, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND) );
            		grBack.drawLine( -1,-109, -1,-113); // wlosy

                	grBack.setPaint( new Color(0xcd8e7e) );
            		grBack.setStroke( new BasicStroke(12, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND) );
            		grBack.drawLine( -3,-106, -3,-110); // glowa

            		// reka tylnia
                	grBack.setPaint( new Color(0xcd8e7e) );
            		grBack.setStroke( new BasicStroke(8, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND) );
               		grBack.drawLine(0,-85,-k,l); // reka

               		// nogi
               		grBack.setPaint( new Color(0x6f5f5f) );
            		grBack.setStroke( new BasicStroke(12, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND) );
        			grBack.drawLine(-3,-63,lx,ly); // noga
        			grBack.drawLine( 3,-63,lx,ly); // noga
        			grBack.drawLine(llx,lly,lx,ly); // noga

//                	grBack.setPaint( new Color(0xAAAAAA) );
//            		grBack.setStroke( new BasicStroke(6) );
//             		grBack.drawLine(llx,lly+3,llx-10,lly+3); // bucik

            		grBack.setPaint( new Color(0x8e6f6f) );
            		grBack.setStroke( new BasicStroke(12, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND) );
        			grBack.drawLine(-3,-63,mx,my); // noga
        			grBack.drawLine( 3,-63,mx,my); // noga
        			grBack.drawLine(mmx,mmy,mx,my); // noga

                	grBack.setPaint( new Color(0xAAAAAA) );
            		grBack.setStroke( new BasicStroke(6) );
              		grBack.drawLine(mmx,mmy+3,mmx-10,mmy+3); // bucik
              		grBack.drawLine(llx,lly+3,llx-10,lly+3); // bucik

               		// tulow
                	grBack.setPaint( new Color(0x202020) );
            		grBack.setStroke( new BasicStroke(16) );
            		grBack.drawLine( 0,-85,-2,-71); 
            		grBack.drawLine( 0,-85, 2,-71);

            		// reka przednia
                	grBack.setPaint( new Color(0xcd8e7e) );
            		grBack.setStroke( new BasicStroke(8, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND) );

               		// dead
                	if (thief[i][3]==6) grBack.rotate(-Math.PI/2,-5,-15);
        			grBack.scale( thief[i][5], 1 );
        			grBack.translate(-globalX-thief[i][0], -thief[i][1]-d );

	       		// dog
       			d = (dogState==2 || dogState==3) ? (float)-Math.PI*0.4f : (float)Math.sin( (frame%20)/10.0f*Math.PI )*dogSpeedX/10.0f;
       			if (dogState==6) d=(float)(-Math.PI/2.0f); // dead

        		grBack.setPaint( Color.BLACK );
        		grBack.translate( globalX+dogx, k=(dogy + (dogState==6 ? 25:0)) );
       			grBack.scale( dogDir, 1 );
               	grBack.rotate(Math.PI*0.005125f*dogSpeedY,0,0); // jump rotate

        		grBack.setStroke( new BasicStroke(7) );
       			grBack.drawLine(  -62,-24,-68+(int)(Math.sin(d)*20f),-24+(l=(int)(Math.cos(d)*20f))); // back leg
       			grBack.drawLine(  -21,-22,-21-(int)(Math.sin(d)*20f),-22+l); // front leg

        		grBack.setStroke( new BasicStroke(18) );
        		grBack.drawLine(  -57,-32,-24,-29 ); // stomach
        		grBack.drawLine(  -54,-33,-25,-40 ); // upper body

           			if (dogState>=4) grBack.rotate(+1.09f,-21,-27);
            		grBack.drawLine(  -22,-31,-15,-51 ); // neck
            		grBack.drawLine(  -32,-34,-15,-51 ); // neck

            		grBack.setStroke( new BasicStroke(5) );
            		grBack.drawLine(  -16,-47,- 6, (int)(-43.0f-dogJaws*0.04f) ); // lower jaw

            		grBack.setStroke( new BasicStroke(7) );
            		grBack.drawLine(  - 9,-54,- 5,-54 ); // upper jaw
            		grBack.drawLine(  -20,-57,-10,-57 ); // cap
            		// ucho
            		grBack.setPaint( new Color(0x202020) );
            		grBack.drawLine(  -18,
            						  -59+(int)(Math.cos(Math.abs(dogSpeedX)*0.05*Math.PI)*5.0f) ); 
           			if (dogState>=4) grBack.rotate(-1.09f,-21,-27);

       			grBack.scale( dogDir, 1 );
        		grBack.translate( -globalX-dogx, -k);
            	// blood
           		grBack.setPaint( Color.RED );
           		grBack.setStroke( new BasicStroke(2) );
            	for (i=0; i<2048; i++)
                	if (blood[i][6]==1.0f)
                		grBack.drawLine( globalX+(int)blood[i][0], (int)blood[i][1],
                						 globalX+(int)blood[i][2], (int)blood[i][3] ); 

				grBack.setPaint( Color.WHITE );
                grBack.drawString("Health:"+dogHealth, 10, 36); 
                grBack.drawString("Kills:"+kills, 10, 52); 

				if (kills>=40)
                	grBack.drawString("You won!", 310, 200); 

				if ((dogHealth<=0 && dogy==horizon) || (kills>=40))
                	grBack.drawString("Press ENTER to play!", 280, 240); 
                	if (keys[10]) gameStarted=false;
/*                grBack.drawString("dogy:"+dogy, 10, y); y+=16;
                grBack.drawString("dogHealth:"+dogHealth, 10, y); y+=16;
                grBack.drawString("dx:"+dx, 10, y); y+=16;
                grBack.drawString("dy:"+dy, 10, y); y+=16;
                grBack.drawString("dSx:"+dogSpeedX, 10, y); y+=16;
                grBack.drawString("dSy:"+dogSpeedY, 10, y); y+=16;
                grBack.drawString("globalX:"+globalX, 10, y); y+=16;

                grBack.drawString("time:"+frame*1000000.0/(System.nanoTime()/1000-startTime/1000), 10, y); y+=16;
                grBack.drawString("time:"+(1000000000.0f/(frameEndTime-frameStartTime)), 10, y); y+=16;

				// show frame
                grScreen.drawImage(imgBack, 0, 0, null);

                // A small sleep prevents the game from eating all the cpu power
//                Thread.sleep(10);
				fsTime = (System.nanoTime()-fsTime)/1000000;
				if (fsTime<20)


        // System.exit(0) makes sure nothing is left in the background


Review from
Rottweiler4k (Rostok)
Where to begin? I really don't know what to say about this game. On one level, it's very pretty, nicely animated, and well exectued. It's also a grotesque killing game with rather repetitive gameplay. All in all, I think it's a decent game, but it's confusing nonetheless.
Excellent graphics, good gameplay, technically decent.
Graphics	4
Gameplay	2
Technical	2
Other		Nothing in particular
Total score	8

review from
In Rottweiler 4k, the player controls a (big) black rottweiler on his mission to kill all the thieves in the pear orchard. Game controls are left-right, up to jump, space to clench jaws, and down and space to eat killed thieves (and restore ... energy or something).


Graphics:  4 it's amazing what one can do with all those simple geometric shapes Wink
Technical: 2 seems a little more complicated than just simple collision detection
Gameplay:  1 repetitive
Other:     1 animated characters (dog,thieves)
           1 parallax scrolling
          -1 see remarks
Total:     8

The top of the screen is cut off under linux (i.e. you can't see the health and the number of kills).

Considering that this game only uses simple geometric shapes, the graphics are exceptionally well done. The one big downside is that thieves kicks can hit the dog even if he is in the air above their heads. Wtf?
